Female Math Course
There are five high school equivalency subject tests: Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing. High school equivalency preparation programs allocate approximately 20% of class time to each subject. The trouble is: test takers in New York City have few, if any, problems with the "non-Mathematics" subject tests and all kinds of problems with the Mathematics subject test. (See TASC Subject Test Failures and TASC Single Subject Test Failures.) Despite a manifest need, in all of New York City there is not one program for the more than 50,000 females (almost 90% of whom are women of color) who need to work on preparing only for the Mathematics subject test.
Helicon, Inc. (with its proven track record of providing excellent remedial math instruction for a variety of tests: GED, TASC, CUNY Placement Tests, GMAT, GRE, trades unions apprenticeship programs, utilities pre-employment, civil service exams, etc.) is ready with a solution for the problem: the Female Math Course...
...which is an eight-week comprehensive review of mathematics from basic arithmetic through introductory algebra and trigonometry. It was designed to help female students pass a high school equivalency mathematics subject test with a "college and career readiness" (i.e., 85% of perfect) score of 680. And, while the primary focus of the Female Math Course is on promoting the development of sound cognitive skills (e.g., number sense, algorithmic reasoning, and the ability to use knowledge to make mathematical judgments and create useful problem-solving strategies, etc.), there's a strong secondary emphasis on the development of non-cognitive character skills (e.g., perseverance, self-control, punctuality, and the ability to work cooperative and congenially with others in a team) that are valued almost as highly as cognitive skills are in academia and the workplace.
We are prepared to conduct a Pilot Program of two Female Math Courses (each Course is two months long) during which time we will iron out any kinks in outreach, recruitment and student admissions policies and procedures; fine-tune classroom academic protocols; make received changes to the curriculum (including the Female Math Course Text); all in conjunction with a thorough evaluation of students' TASC Mathematics results. At the end of the Pilot Program, with data to prove that the initiative works, we'll seek major funding to continue the program and to offer Train-the-Instructor support for adult educators all over the City and around the State.
If you want to be notified when we begin recruiting for the Female Math Course Pilot Program, please complete and submit the Form below.