Volunteer Portal
Girls Helping Girls "Do the Math
Female New York City high school students who are good at math, who need to earn community service credits, and who want to help other
girls—younger and older—become good at math, too, are invited to get involved as Student Interns!  There are several opportunities:
•  SHSAT Prep Course for African American and Latina Girls (in person)
Summer 2024 (07.10.24 - 08.09.24) Conduct a classes (Math, Reading/Grammar, Spatial Reasoning) for rising 8th grade girls
Fall 2024 (09.14.24 - SHSAT) Conduct full-length SHSAT Practice Test Sessions for  8th grade girls
• Math Programs for Girls (online) School Year 2024 - 2025
NYS Algebra I Regents Examination Conduct Math Practice Sessions
NYS Algebra I Regents Examination
Math Homework Helper Conduct 20-minute after school one-on-one tutoring session
For more information, please fill out and submit this Form.  Thank you!